Investor Targeting

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Defining objectives for investor relations work

Whoever wants strategic investor relations must first define the objectives of their investor relations work. IR work objectives are based on the company’s capital market objectives. As a rule, objectives for financing, financing costs, stability of the share price as well as for the increase in value and for the positioning of the share as growth or dividend securities are defined.

IR objectives form the basis of strategic investor relations

Professional, strategic investor relations actively influences capital market position and thus also of the shareholder structure on the goal. For this purpose, a precise definition of the objective is necessary – for example, with regard to the nature and investment approach of the investors or their origin. From this, clear action measures in IR work can be taken.

Identifying and successfully implementing IR objectives

We help you analyze, define and implement your IR objectives. We are available as a partner to answer the fundamental questions of your company’s IR work: Who are my investors? What are their interests? How do I identify the right investors for my company? Which brokers and analysts are responsible for my IR success? How are the company, the equity story and the management perceived by investors and what is the need for action?

Regularly checking the success of IR measures

In order to achieve set objectives, the success of IR measures should be reviewed every six months, at least once a year, as well as the IR work measured to insure it accords with the active steering of defined objectives. This is included in strategic investor relations consulting offered by cometis.

Contact us to discuss further details and successfully manage your company’s IR objectives.


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