Fact sheet

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Fact sheet

Want to present yourself professionally in your first contact with journalists, investors or customers? Is your goal to understand the key facts about your company and to find investment highlights? Then our clear and intuitively structured fact sheets are the right companion for your journalist, investor and transaction discussions – be it for press and investor meetings during your stock exchange, the next media talk or a planned roadshow.

The fact sheet shows all important company information at a glance

The fact sheet, which has been produced individually for you, summarizes the essential facts of your company precisely in a document, usually double-sided in DIN A5 or DIN A4 format. The fact sheet provides an optimal first insight for those who are not familiar with the company and the respective industry. An attractively designed and clearly structured fact sheet helps make contact with your stakeholders successful and to your advantage. This facilitates the further conversation process and helps to direct the attention of your conversation partners to the essential facts.

The fact sheet presents relevant IPO facts

Fact sheets contain business and transaction-related information, such as the business model, history, management, key figures, share price, key data of the transaction and contact details. While the company’s presentation, as well as the historical and current key figures and share price information are the focus of a regularly updated company fact sheet, the IPO fact sheet or bond fact sheet focuses on the relevant data of the planned transaction.

cometis helps you ensure that your investment highlights are brought to the point. You profit from many years of experience and proven expertise in the field of capital market communication. We know exactly which topics have to be mentioned on a fact sheet in order to specifically show the highlights of your business model and communicate them successfully.

Contact us

Create an individual fact sheet, the starting point for successful discussions with journalists and investors. You receive the precisely formulated and clearly structured fact sheet in your desired format. Enter your fact sheet now and construct the groundwork for successful company communication!

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