Ad hoc news

February 16, 2018 | SLM Solutions: Major shareholder sold shares to institutional investors

| SLM Solutions Group AG: Convertible bond offering

The Management Board of SLM Solutions Group AG (“SLM Solutions”, “Issuer”) today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to issue senior unsecured convertible bonds (“Convertible Bond”) maturing in October 2022 with an aggregate principle amount of EUR 50 million convertible into new or existing ordinary no par value bearer shares…

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February 16, 2018 | SLM Solutions: Major shareholder sold shares to institutional investors

| SLM Solutions Group AG: FY 2016 forecast adjustment

The Management of SLM Solutions Group AG is adjusting its forecast of selected key management figures for the 2016 fiscal year as follows: on a full-year view, the company now anticipates consolidated revenue in a range between EUR 75 million and EUR 80 million and a positive adjusted EBITDA margin in a single-digit range…

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February 16, 2018 | SLM Solutions: Major shareholder sold shares to institutional investors

| SLM Solutions Group AG and GE Germany Holdings AG agree on business combination; GE Germany Holdings AG announces voluntary public takeover offer for all shares of SLM Solutions Group AG

Today, SLM Solutions Group AG („SLM Solutions“) and GE Germany Holdings AG, an indirect 100% subsidiary of GE Aviation and part of the General Electric Group („Bidder“), entered into a so called Business Combination Agreement (“BCA”) by which the Bidder undertook to, inter alia, launch a voluntary public takeover offer for all outstanding SLM Solutions shares…

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