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Digitization: With investors in a long-distance relationship


Digitization is what everyone is still talking about. Nevertheless, many players continue to underestimate the opportunities arising from this megatrend. In the IR sector, too, most processes continue as usual, and enormous potential thus lies fallow. Yet companies could adapt to the passage of time and digitize their processes. In the course of this change, for example, numerous events could be held online to save visitors the time-consuming journey. But a switch to digital IR tools has other facets as well and brings numerous benefits to progressive companies.​

by Enrico Prinz

Wiesbaden, April 22, 2022. IR websites and annual reports that can be accessed online are standard now. The use of digital distribution channels for corporate communications via the Internet has also become indispensable. It is easier than ever for a company to act in a cost- and climate-friendly way. When companies hold their annual general meeting digitally, they not only save costs, but also protect our climate. An AGM held online would also allow far more investors and analysts to attend. Another advantage of conducting processes digitally is that it makes it easier for potential investors to obtain information. These are looking for good investments worldwide and would have much greater opportunities via digital channels.

How to benefit from digitization as a company

IR work must face up to the new demands of the digital age. This calls for international thinking. However, this first important step is not completed with a multilingual IR website. In the meantime, a global IR strategy should provide for the organization of hybrid event forms where investors and analysts can join in without having to travel. In this way, roadshows can be organized digitally in addition to annual general meetings in order to address the largest possible number of shareholders worldwide.

Furthermore, with the help of numerous IR relationship tools, companies can, among other things, store and process collected investor data. This can be used for personalized newsletters, for example. Going further, it is also possible to establish new contacts that can be addressed on various digital channels. Based on algorithms, direct interaction with potential customers can be driven on social channels. Alternatively, investors can be enabled to interact with the company through a chatbot. The overall goal of digitizing IR relations should be to deepen the relationship with shareholders and save time in general. Digital processes can increase transparency and optimize the exchange of information in the context of digital business reports.

What does your company need to run digital processes?

Simply put, all you need as a company is an understanding of digital processes and the courage to try out and use new tools. By implementing digital tools, a company basically has less effort, while the possibilities increase significantly.

Would you like to optimize the processes in your company and modernize the IR area? Contact us now, we will be happy to help you digitalize your IR work!.

Enrico Prinz: Consultant
After studying political science with a focus on NGOs, governance and civil society, Enrico Prinz gained many years of experience in the field of international energy policy in development cooperation and fundraising for an international non-governmental organization.