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News series “German IPOs & IBOs in the spotlight“ – 05/2017, 12.07.2017
Wiesbaden, 12. Juli 2017 – The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is in the mood for celebration – In the last week of June three German companies were able to step into the stock market. First and foremost, Noratis AG has successfully completed its initial public offering in the Scale segment. Trading started on June 30th at the placement price of 18.75 euros. The gross issuing proceeds of 17.25 million euros are intended to be used by the developer of residential property portfolios for the financing of further growth by making use of purchase opportunities of real estate with greater flexibility.
Already since June 27th, the restaurant chain Vapiano is traded on the regulated market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The final offer price was 23 euros per share. In addition, the shares of Delivery Hero AG are traded since June 30th on the regulated market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as well.
According to the EY Global IPO Trends report, the number of IPOs worldwide increased significantly in the first half of 2017. The number of IPOs increased by around 70 to a total of 772 IPOs, with a total issue volume of 74.2 billion during that time. Especially the Chinese IPO market showed a substantial increase with 317 IPOs so far in 2017. In Europe, the issue volume in total for the first half of the year summed up to 17.5 billion US dollars, which resulted from 122 IPOs – the number of IPOs in Europe therefore increased, according to the report, by eight percent.
With the initial public offerings of Vapiano, Delivery Hero and Noratis, the number of German new issuances amounted to five in the first half of 2017. Meanwhile, the Jost Group, according to the company’s own information a leading transport and logistics company in Europe, is planning a listing on the regulated market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The private placement is to be realized by the issuing of new shares from a capital increase with a volume of around 130 million euros and the sale of existing shares.
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