ESG Advisory
ESG Advisory
Compliance with E (environment) S (social) and G (governance) standards is becoming a mandatory requirement for all companies and governments to qualify for future financing and business activities.
Constant reporting on all progress made is key to shaping the opinion of rating agencies, NGO´s, investors, employees and all other stakeholders. The pressure on decision makers is growing constantly. We help our clients to find the right strategy, tactics and instruments for analysis in order to succed in this new and constantly changing environment.
We offer the following ESG services:
ESG Strategy Definition and Implementation
We help you develop, define and implement an appropriate ESG strategy.
You have the possibility to order our key figures book “100 ESG key figures” to expand your profound knowledge!
Rating Advisory
Project Management
Bundling all relevant ESG information in one place and making a coherent whole out of it takes a lot of coordination. We keep the strings together.
We choose the right framework for your reporting – tailored to the specific needs of your company.
Benchmarking and Peergroup Analysis
What do your peers do? You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to assure great ESG communication: we show you where you stand and how you can not only catch up with the best in your peer group, but become a leader yourself.