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Capital Market Panel H1/2019: Reasons for the current IPO market weakness – a glimpse into public opinion

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Capital Market Panel H1/2019: Reasons for the current IPO market weakness – a glimpse into public opinion

28 Jun, 2019 | News, Pressemitteilung

Wiesbaden, 28 June 2019 – cometis AG, one of the leading consulting firms for financial communication in Germany, published the results of its current capital market panel today. The survey on the first half of 2019 addressed, among other things, the question of why the German IPO market has been in recession so far in 2019. In addition, the current panel provides an insight into how German capital market professionals and experts assess the further development in the IPO market.

The key findings at a glance:

    • According to the capital market professionals surveyed, the turbulent situation at the stock markets and the reluctance of institutional investors to invest are the main reasons for the poor IPO yield. In addition, political uncertainties such as the trade war between the USA and China as well as the Brexit are, according to the respondents, preventing potential candidates from venturing onto the trading floor.
    • Despite the weak first half of 2019, respondents to the Capital Market Panel still have hope for a revival of the IPO market: Almost two-thirds expect 1 to 5 IPOs in the second half of the year, the remaining third even more than 5.
    • The most important factors influencing the development of the IPO market for the participants in the Capital Market Panel remain the buying behavior of institutional investors, the development of the leading indices and the fundamental situation of the IPO candidates.
    • The industry with the greatest stock market potential is expected to be the technology sector in the second half of 2019. The weakest industries in the current panel are insurance, travel & leisure, raw materials and building technology.
    • The low IPO yield in the first half of 2019 is therefore also reflected in the total issue volume: Only one third of the respondents expect an issue volume of more than EUR 4 billion.


About the Capital Market Panel
Together with media partner VDI Nachrichten, cometis has been publishing the Capital Market Panel semi-annually since 2006 to analyse future capital market trends and uncover potential information deficits. Panel participants include in particular managers in the equity capital markets from renowned German and foreign banks. cometis is responsible for evaluating the topics and the concept, as well as for conducting the survey.

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