Media Documents

We create your media documents in M&A communication

Relevant media documents are a success-oriented tool for optimizing communication with print, online, TV and radio journalists during an M&A transaction. High-quality documents help you be able to provide information on companies involved, negotiations level and how the transaction is progressing at any time. It helps you consistently meet the information needs of your stakeholders.

High-quality media documents support targeted M&A communication

Besides the consistent and credible transmission of hard facts, it is important to support the best possible placement of your core messages and arguments through suitable media documents. These include relevant corporate news on the M&A transaction, fact sheetspresentations and a question and answer catalog. Besides content, we make sure the graphic representation is appealing. Documents coordinated with your company design also contribute to a uniform company image in M&A communications.

Using a diverse portfolio of media documents

The documents available for your Media Work should include the full portfolio of company presentation and Fact Sheet, as well as agreed Language Rules, in order to provide the appropriate documents in every conceivable situation. As a specialist in strategic ESG, financial and corporate communications, with many years of experience, cometis AG is a reliable partner for content development, graphic design and operational implementation for the range of documents relevant for the media. Ask us about being well equipped to communicate with your stakeholders!