Analyst Consensus

Analyst consensus – Analyst estimates at a glance

Investors trust the analysts’ estimates to form an opinion on a listed company and its prospects for the future. One of the central tasks of an IR officer is to manage these expectations as good as possible. Surprise effects – in whichever direction – must be avoided on the stock exchange. As a result, the volatility of the share remains comparatively low and thus also the company’s capital costs in theory. With our analyst consensus tool, you always have an up-to-date overview of the analyst estimates available on the market.

Whoever wants strategic investor relations must first define the objectives of their investor relations work. IR work objectives are based on the company’s capital market objectives. As a rule, objectives for financing, financing costs, stability of the share price as well as for the increase in value and for the positioning of the share as growth or dividend securities are defined.

Considering key figure estimates

Our analyst consensus shows in compact form the future estimates of all analysts for the next three financial years. Whether sales, EBIT or the development of important balance sheet figures, you always have an overview. The average market maintenance for the most important key figures is shown in compressed form. And the average price target of your stock is also calculated. On request, this data is also available on your closest competitors!

Controlling market expectations

Recognize the outliers before it is too late. Analysts make assumptions that may not match your own plans. This creates false expectations on the market and leads to disappointment potential for investors. Control the expectations of your analysts by entering into an active dialogue and identifying the key points.

Gaining security in capital market communications

IR officers receive insider information on a regular basis. However, whether insider information is relevant to the market and therefore requires an ad hoc publication can only be figured against the backdrop of market expectations. Analyst consensus can be used to determine whether certain information is already “priced” – or whether the information has the potential to move the share price significantly. Analyst consensus provides you with a decisive basis for this assessment.

Making IR work measurable with analyst consensus

With the regular use of analyst consensus, the success of the IR officer becomes visible. You can see analysts’ buy, hold or sell recommendations, and how it changes, how much coverage and interest in your stock increases, or how well you guide as an IR officer. If the analyst estimates agree with your own expectations, you gain the confidence of the capital market. Use our analyst consensus before and after the publication of business figures and stay “ahead of the game.”

Get in touch with us

You determine whether you want to have your consensus calculated for all available research reports or only for a selection of the opinion leaders (so-called smart estimates). We deliver the analyst consensus with all important key figures within two working days. Payment is uncomplicated by credit card or invoice.

Order the analyst consensus now and perfect your IR work. We look forward to your call.