Peer Group Analysis

Peer group analysis

Want to know how analysts and fund managers think to identify the best listed companies? Or do you as an IR officer want to keep tabs on the competition to make sure your equity story is competitive enough? Our peer group analysis gives you the answers to these and other questions. You name up to ten comparable companies of your choice, and you receive all the information in a comprehensive report within a very short time.

Peer group report shows all important information at a glance

Our peer group analysis provides you with all relevant fundamentals, share and trading data, analyst estimates, as well as an overview of relevant investors in the sector. And not just for you as an issuer, but for all peer group companies. A compact management summary provides the answers whether your business is growing faster or is more profitable than your listed competitors. Valuation indicators show whether your company has potential in the competition comparison. As an IR officer, you will also find out if you are talking to the right investors. And at the same time, you can match the expectations of the analysts with your company forecast and act accordingly.

Information advantage with peer group analysis documents management quality

Management quality is a crucial factor for investors. Recognizing markets, figures and competitors together with their business models and answering questions competently documents necessary management quality. And markets are dynamic, in constant change. In preparation for investor talks, investor meetings or general meetings, it is important to have all relevant information at hand. So you are prepared for the fundamental questions of investors and analysts and always “on the ball.” Facts convince, not claims.

Keeping competitors in constant sight through quarterly reports

With a quarterly update, you have your peer group firmly in sight. This lets you keep track of the latest developments in analyst assessments at any time. You recognize changes in the trading volumes of shares, but also in the shareholder structure of your company or your peer group. You can recognize hedge funds or activist investors who may have a stronger interest in your peer group – and are prepared to act at any time.

Contact us

You determine up to ten peer group companies of your choice, opt for a freely selectable benchmark index and receive our comprehensive peer group report (approx. 25 pages of Executive Summary, approx. 60–80 pages of appendix with detailed company data) within two working days. Payment is uncomplicated by credit card or invoice.

Order your peer group analysis now and perfect your IR work. We look forward to your call.