Broker analysis

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Broker analysis

Which brokers are specialized in which services and markets? Which broker is best suited to my company? With which broker should I enter into a long-term cooperation? As a listed company, this question should be addressed in order to make optimum use of resources.

Identifying the right broker for your company

Since the financial crisis, the global brokerage business has fundamentally changed. Due to cost pressure, tightened transparency requirements and digitization as an expression of the technological progress, the business models of banks are constantly changing.

It is therefore of great importance to identify the right actors, to know their strengths and weaknesses, and to use this information for yourself. International brokers are becoming increasingly important even for small & midcaps. But who are the right brokers for your business? Where will the chemistry be right?

There is no blueprint for answering this question professionally. Years of experience, regular contact in transactions and a personal network are crucial for a well-founded response. We have this knowledge and make it available to our customers. Contact us if you are looking for the right broker for your company!


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