Shareholder Targeting
Shareholder targeting – Using peer group analysis to identify potential investors
Knowledge of the shareholder structure is essential for the investor relations of listed companies. Through in-depth analysis, institutional investors and their trading activities can be identified. With the specially developed shareholder targeting tool, we can identify potential investors using a peer group analysis. peer group will of course be individually tailored to your company. The tool not only provides a solid basis for addressing potential shareholders, but also provides valuable insights for the measurability of your investor relations activities.
Shareholder targeting actively shapes the shareholder structure
Through active shareholder targeting, you are able to shape your shareholder structure according to your IR objectives. To obtain an overview of potential investors, we conduct a detailed and matching analysis using the portfolios of the fund companies. Based on this analysis, we can provide you with valuable information for addressing potential investors.
The following aspects can, for example, be determined during the course of the targeting:
- Buyer and seller of shares within the peer group
- Top 100 peer group investors (by country and investment amount)
- Institutional shareholder structure by country compared to peer group
- Institutional shareholder structure by investment style compared to peer group
- Change in institutional shareholding in the defined period
More information can be integrated individually at the customer’s request.
Shareholder targeting also helps you plan roadshows efficiently
Shareholder targeting makes it easier for you to get in contact with investors and helps you plan roadshows efficiently. The targeting tool saves you time in the strategic planning and organization of roadshows. Whatever investors are particularly interested in for your company, we can determine it for you within a short time!
Give us a call for an individual offer!