Capital Markets Day

Investors receive deep insights through Capital Markets Days

Capital Markets Days, also known as Investor Days, are a popular way of informing existing investors and getting to know new ones. Fund managers, asset managers, analysts, bankers and other capital market participants are invited by an issuer. On Capital Markets Day, the management presents those in attendance with the latest products and developments from the company.

Inclusion of stakeholders and media presence on Capital Markets Day

Relevant specialists, customers and suppliers would also be pleased to be invited to an Investor Day to better illustrate the relationships between individual developments. The benefits of such an elaborate event can be maximized through targeted media work. The media multiplier allows insights from this day to also be accessible to share and stakeholders who have not participated.

Program content for a Capital Markets Day

Looking behind the scenes also lets the financial community get involved in so-called “soft facts.” (For example, how can the Management Board present the prevailing company mood, how does the company look from the inside out?) These can be decisive indicators for actors as to what potential the company really has, what situation the company is actually in, which forecasts are realistic and whether they are consistent with what is indicated in the annual report.

But, of course, financial and quantitative indicators remain central on a Capital Markets Day. A holistic approach is therefore essential in the program’s content design. The aim is to provide a uniform, meaningful, comprehensible and, above all, future-oriented image. This is why it is important to provide new information and insights as well as explanations on key issues.

Targeted preparation for Capital Markets Day

In preparation for Investor Days, an overview of how the company is assessed and perceived by the respective capital market stakeholders should be provided. You should precisely know your investors. This is particularly important for setting appropriate focuses and effective program points. cometis’s many years of expertise also provide useful support in these areas.

For investor relations, there is probably no better way to present a company in its full depth. It is therefore all the more important to plan and execute this day effectively and efficiently. A Capital Markets Day should be held once a year. cometis AG would be happy to advise you on this.

Contact us

It would be our pleasure to advise you individually to plan your Capital Markets Day.

Call us and let us improve your IR performance together.