ESG Policies

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ESG Policies: Key Success Factor for Your Sustainable Management

ESG policies are an important success factor for your sustainable management and belong to the so-called “Own Laws”. Companies not only have to act in compliance with legal regulations, but also meet the expectations of the capital market. We support companies in creating and implementing ESG policies.

Our Consultancy Services in the Field of ESG Policies

e have extensive experience in advising companies on the contents of ESG policies. We draw on a comprehensive database of legal regulations and management approaches. In addition, we have developed a due diligence process that allows us to assess the quality of policies and identify weaknesses. The due diligence review can be complemented by a Rating Impact AnalysisTM.

Our Support in Creating ESG Policies

Based on these insights, we help companies to develop or optimize their ESG policies. We not only support companies in designing ESG policies, but also provide guidance for their implementation. We take into account both the requirements of the capital markets and the specific needs and requirements of our customers.

Importance of ESG Policies for Rating Agencies

ESG policies are also an important topic from the perspective of rating agencies. A well-founded ESG policy is a crucial factor for a good rating result. We support companies in developing and implementing ESG policies to improve their sustainability performance and optimize their rating results.

The most important policies for companies from the perspective of ESG rating agencies are the code of conduct or code of ethics, as well as the environmental, social, and governance policies (ESG policies). Within these categories, various policies are evaluated, such as marketing policies that relate to the ethical marketing of products and services, or EHS policies that relate to environment, health, and safety. Supplier policies also play an important role in the evaluation of ESG performance, as they relate to the standards and practices that companies apply when selecting and monitoring their suppliers. Other important policies include diversity and inclusion policies, ethics and compliance policies, as well as labor and human rights policies. The implementation and effectiveness of these policies are examined by ESG rating agencies as part of their evaluations and are incorporated into the overall assessment of a company’s ESG performance.

Please feel free to contact us if you need support in creating or optimizing your ESG policies. We bring our experience and expertise to improve your sustainability performance and ensure long-term business success.


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