ESG Advisory
For some years now, more and more organizations have been aligning their actions with sustainable criteria that are responsible for the community and reporting on them. The reasons for this are many and varied. As a rule, however, they are based on the idea that the positive and negative consequences of business activities on people and the environment concern us all. This development began as a tender seedling a few years ago under buzzwords such as sustainabilty, corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship or corporate governance. Today, all these non-financial criteria are summarized under the abbreviation ESG: In the areas of environment (E), social affairs (S) and good corporate governance (G), the aim is to create transparency and document progress continuously and comprehensibly.
In view of increasingly obvious ecological and social crises and due to advancing international and national regulation, ESG has not only become a top priority for politics and business. It is also extremely complex and wide-ranging. cometis accompanies companies, investors and other organizations holistically. From the development of an appropriate ESG or sustainability strategy to the proper involvement of stakeholders, the definition of company-specific ESG data and KPIs, and the creation of required documents such as professional ESG reporting across all channels, we can provide expert support.
Numerous organizations have already benefited from our expertise.
cometis has been a participant in the UNGC since 2020 and reports annually on the progress made. Furthermore, cometis is a member of the SASB Consultant Content Program and co-initiator and Regional Partner Germany of the Global ESG Monitor.