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| TAKKT AG: Award for financial communication: TAKKT among the top three for the third time in a row

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TAKKT AG: Award for financial communication: TAKKT among the top three for the third time in a row

Stuttgart/Frankfurt, Germany, September 28, 2018. TAKKT AG was once again honored with an award for its financial market communication: In this year’s “Investors’ Darling” competition sponsored by manager magazin, TAKKT achieved third place among the 50 SDAX companies.

Among the companies listed in the SDAX, TAKKT AG occupied third place behind Deutsche Beteiligungs AG and CeWe Color Holding AG and came in among the top three for the third time in a row. TAKKT ranked 23rd in the overall ranking of the 160 companies of the DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX indices.

TAKKT’s Investor Relations team received the award at the ceremony in Frankfurt, Germany. CFO Claude Tomaszewski was pleased: “We place particular importance on informing our investors and analysts in a transparent and consistent manner. That is why we see this repeat success and the continuity in the last three years as a confirmation of our efforts. My special thanks go to all our employees that have once again contributed to this success with their strong commitment.”

The “Investors’ Darling” competition has been held annually since 2014 by manager magazin in cooperation with Professor Henning Zülch and his team from the Leipzig Business School. The capital market communication of 160 companies from the DAX indices is put to the test. Critical to the evaluation is how much detail a company provides to communicate its strategy and how clear and convincing it reports on sales and earnings as well as financial and risk position. The evaluations consist of three different sections: analyses of annual and quarterly reports (reporting), investor relations presentations, digital communication and websites (investor relations), the results of a survey of financial analysts and fund managers as well as stock price performance (capital markets). For the first time, CSR communication aspects have also been taken into account.

TAKKT is the leading B2B direct marketing specialist for business equipment in Europe and North America. The Group is represented with its brands in more than 25 countries. The product range of the subsidiaries comprises more than one million products for the areas of plant and warehouse equipment, office furniture, transport packaging, display articles and equipment for the food service industry, hotel market and retailers. The TAKKT Group has over 2,000 employees. The company is listed on the SDAX and Deutsche Börse Prime Standard.

Dr. Christian Warns Tel. +49 (0) 711 3465-8222
Giuseppe Palmieri Tel. +49 (0) 711 3465-8250
