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| creditshelf arranges so far largest German online SME credit financing project

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creditshelf arranges so far largest German online SME credit financing project

Frankfurt, September 18th 2018 – Frankfurt-based creditshelf AG has just arranged Germany’s so far largest digital SME financing. Via the creditshelf platform, EUR 4.75 million were placed and paid out in less than two days. This buy-out follows the first digital M&A financing transaction that had been arranged only recently.

The borrower is an IT company with more than 500 employees. The importance of creditshelf’s flexible financing solutions for medium-sized borrowers and private equity investors has steadily increased in recent years as an addition to the existing offerings by banks. Institutional investors show great interest in this new kind of investment opportunity, since they are now able to adress this asset class with attractive risk-return profile, which so far was only available to banks.

Software-based smart credit analysis makes it possible to efficiently evaluate and process such corporate financing projects, as Dr. Mark Währisch, Chief Risk Officer at creditshelf, explains: “Our clients benefit from digital processes that enable fast turnaround times. This way SMEs can focus on their core business and don’t have to spend much time on financing issues.”

Founding partner and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Daniel Bartsch eludicates: “The acceptance for our fast and simple financing solutions in the market is steadily increasing. In addition to traditional working capital financing solutions, we continue to see high demand in the area of growth finance as well as for M&A and buy-out transactions. With our ticket size of up to EUR 5 million, we can provide efficient financing for both small and medium-sized enterprises.”

For these customers, especially the need for quick credit decisions determines the search for alternative financing methods. According to the study “Finanzierungsmonitor 2018” conducted by creditshelf, 53 percent of companies hope to benefit from this advantage by using online credit brokerage platforms. Eight out of ten of the companies surveyed are considering using such offers. The most important requirement for them: the solution is simple, fast and innovative.


Further information:
creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft
Birgit Hass
Head of Marketing and Communication
Mainzer Landstraße 33a
60329 Frankfurt
Tel: +49 (0)69 348 77 240
Press and Public Relations:
Thöring & Stuhr
Partnership for communication consulting
Arne Stuhr
Mittelweg 142
20148 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 207 6969 83
Mobile: +49 177 3055 194

Investor Relations:
cometis AG
Maximilian Franz
Tel: +49(0)611 – 205855-22
Fax: +49(0)611 – 205855-66


About the study “Finanzierungsmonitor 2018”

The “Finanzierungsmonitor 2018” study is based on a survey conducted in December 2017 by the digital SME financier creditshelf ( A total of 200 financial decision-makers from medium-sized industrial, commercial and service companies took part in the survey, which was conducted online by a market research institute. The study was scientifically accompanied by Prof. Dr. Dirk Schiereck, Head of the Department of Corporate Finance at Darmstadt Technical University.

About creditshelf –

creditshelf has been shaping digital SME financing for years – simple, fast and innovative. This is due to creditshelf’s financing decisions based on proprietary, technology-supported credit analysis. The creditshelf team consists of professionals with many years of experience in the financing of medium-sized enterprises. The pioneer of digital SME financing in Germany was founded in 2014 and has been listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2018.

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