News & Studies

PRGN Award 2020: Virtual IPO

PRGN Award: Virtueller IPO

This year, the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN), of which cometis has been a member for 11 years, once again organized the PRGN International Best Practice Contest. With the participation of 35 owner-managed communication agencies and a total of 199 entries in 23 categories, the competition was fierce. As a specialist in Investor Relations and capital market communications, cometis was honored for a exceptional communications project during the difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the middle of the peak phase of the first Corona wave, the Wiesbaden-based consulting firm supported the first successful Prime Standard IPO on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Particular difficulties: the contact and travel restrictions that applied throughout the country, the home office situation that was new to everyone, and the associated challenges for cooperation, both within the large project team and in communication with investors and journalists. The cometis team took on this new situation and proved: Good project management and convincing communication with investors also work purely virtually!

The successful pitch was followed by the kick-off: In videotelephony sessions, cometis worked out a professional online presence with the client’s management. Extensive coaching sessions as preparation for all challenges of a live situation with journalists formed the main part. With the help of accompanying video analysis, the cometis team honed the management’s confident and quick-witted appearance. The goal was to round off the convincing performance of the newcomer to the stock exchange with a professional presentation in terms of content and images. The preparations of our experienced team paid off; a total of ten interviews with leading financial and industry media resulted in around 50 print and online articles with consistently positive coverage of the digital IPO.

The campaign “Pulling off the first virtual IPO in Germany” won cometis the coveted Best Practice Award Gold in the category “Financial Communications, Transactions, Investor Relations” at the PRGN Best Practice Contest.