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Michael Diegelmann
Michael Diegelmann (CEO cometis): “There is too little investment in Germany. This applies not only to government infrastructure spending but also to many companies. This is astonishing, because at around 600 companies with equal co-determination, employee representatives occupied half of the seats on the supervisory bodies. In a further 1,500 companies, the employee bank accounts for one third of supervisory board mandates. This would enable employee representatives in more than 2,000 companies to work towards more investments. However, these opportunities are hardly exploited. Many listed companies use the rising profits instead for share buybacks. This is where coalitions with capital are an option. Employees and capital representatives could fight hand in hand for more investment. Trade unionists should become advocates of higher investment in research and development. All they need to do is overcome their shyness about capital, jump over their own shadows and work with long-term investors to make more productive use of profits.”