Corporate news
KPS posts significant increase in sales and profit in the 1st half-year of 2016/2017
Unterföhring/München, 30. Mai 2017 – Die KPS AG hat die ursprünglichen Erwartungen für das 1. Halbjahr 2016/2017 übertroffen. Der Konzernumsatz erhöhte sich um 20,3 Prozent auf 82,8 Mio. Euro (H1 2015/2016: 68,8 Mio. Euro). Das Konzern-EBIT konnte um 17,9 Prozent auf 12,5 Mio. Euro (H1 2015/2016: 10,6 Mio. Euro) gesteigert werden. Ein optimales Auslastungs- sowie effizientes Kostenmanagement trugen zur guten Ertragslage der KPS bei. Der Vorstand bestätigt erneut die Prognose für das laufende Geschäftsjahr 2016/2017.
Unterföhring/Munich, 30 May 2017 – KPS AG has outperformed its original expectations for the 1st half-year of 2016/2017. Group sales increased by 20.3 percent to 82.8 million euros (H1 2015/2016: 68.8 million euros). Group EBIT was pushed up by 17.9 percent to 12.5 million euros (H1 2015/2016: 10.6 million euros). Optimum capacity utilization and efficient cost management contributed to the good results of operations for KPS. The Board of Management reaffirmed its forecast for the current business year 2016/2017.
KPS AG (WKN: A1A6V4 / ISIN: DE000A1A6V48), Germany’s leading consulting company for business transformation and process optimization in retail, posted an increase in orders booked for the 1st half-year of 2016/2017 (1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017) in line with expectations. The confidence placed in us by prestigious customers from retail and the consumer goods industry was a key growth driver. This was accompanied by increasing demand for highly integrated transformation solutions.
In the first half-year of 2016/2017, KPS AG succeeded in significantly increasing sales and income. The accelerating pace of dynamic development in the second quarter enabled the Group to outperform its original expectations. Sales in the reporting half-year rose by 20.3 percent to 82.8 million euros (H1 2015/2016: 68.8 million euros). These results were based on unaudited Group figures in accordance with IFRS. The operating result (EBIT) went up by 17.9 percent from 10.6 million euros in the first half-year of 2015/2016 to 12.5 million euros. The EBIT margin at 15.1 percent (H1 2015/2016: 15.4 percent) was close to the level of the equivalent year-earlier period. Earnings after tax increased in the reporting period by 10.8 percent to 10.3 million euros (H1 2015/2016: 9.3 million euros). The diluted and basic earnings per share amounted to 0.28 euros in the first half of the business year 2016/2017 compared with 0.28 euros in the previous year. It is important to take into account here that the number of shares is 10 % higher than in the equivalent year-earlier period as a result of the capital increase by around 3.4 million shares carried out in 2016.
The increased scope of business is reflected in the balance sheet total. On 31 March 2017, this amounts to 107.1 million euros (30 September 2016: 95.1 million euros) and therefore an increase by 12.6 % in comparison with the previous year. The equity capital attributable to shareholders of KPS AG rose by 10.4 million euros and had a value of 68.8 million euros on 31 March 2017 (30 September 2016: 58.4 million euros). The equity ratio improved from 61.4 % to 64.2 % in comparison with the previous year.
The Executive Board of KPS AG assesses the situation as very positive overall and confirms its forecast for the business year 2016/2017 with stable and profitable growth to Group sales of 160.0 million euros and EBIT of 25.0 million euros. This corresponds to an increase in sales of around 10 percent and a rise in EBIT of some 12 percent compared with the business year 2015/2016. Apart from the additional increase in sales, the focus for the rest of the year will be on sustainable improvement of the earnings margin.
Unterföhring, 30 May 2017
The Executive Board
Disclaimer: This news release contains forward-looking statements which are based on certain assumptions and estimates made by the company management of KPS AG. Even if the company management is of the opinion that these assumptions and estimates are appropriate, the actual future development and the actual future results may deviate substantially from these assumptions and estimates on account of a variety of different factors. These factors may include, for example, changes in the macroeconomic situation, exchange rates, interest rates, and changes in market development and changes in the competitive situation. KPS AG does not guarantee that the actual results achieved in future will be in accordance with the assumptions and estimates made in this interim statement and does not assume any liability in this respect.
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