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| PNE Wind becomes PNE – Pure New Energy

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PNE Wind becomes PNE – Pure New Energy

  • All agenda items approved with a large majority
  • Change of name from PNE WIND AG to PNE AG reflects the expansion of the strategy
  • Dividend payment of euro 0.04 per share resolved

Cuxhaven, June 6, 2018 – The general meeting of shareholders of wind farm specialist PNE WIND AG resolved on June 6, 2018 that the company will in future operate under the name PNE AG. With this change in the corporate name, the shareholders are following the extended strategy of the company. Based on the successful development of wind farm projects, PNE AG will become a provider of solutions for clean energy. In addition to wind energy, this includes the extension into photovoltaics as well as hydrogen for direct use, also as a storage technology and services in ths sectors.

The shareholders also voted by a large majority in favour of the proposal of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board to pay a dividend of euro 0.04 per eligible share.

The shareholders also agreed to the proposed resolution to give formal approval of actions to the members of the Board of Management Markus Lesser (CEO), Jörg Klowat (CFO) and Kurt Stürken (COO). By a clear majority, the shareholders also resolved to give formal approval of actions to the Supervisory Board and to appoint Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hamburg, as the auditors.