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| TAKKT AG: TAKKT presented with Digital Champions Award

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TAKKT presented with Digital Champions Award

Stuttgart/Berlin, 22 June 2017. TAKKT AG was awarded first place at the Digital Champions Award in the “Digital Processes and Organization” category. The award was created by the German magazine WirtschaftsWoche and Deutsche Telekom in 2016 and has now been awarded for the second time. TAKKT impressed the jury with its comprehensive approach to digital transformation.

The award ceremony for the Digital Champions Award took place in Berlin on June 20. The award, presented jointly by WirtschaftsWoche and Deutsche Telekom, identifies medium-sized companies that are on the right track in the digital revolution. Eleven companies in four categories made it to the final round with their digital solutions and strategies. TAKKT AG was awarded first place in the “Digital Processes and Organization” category. The jury was impressed by the comprehensive approach TAKKT and its companies are pursuing for their digital transformation. Digitalization is not conceived in isolation for individual processes. Instead, it is the top priority along the entire value chain.

At the ceremony, CEO Felix Zimmermann was pleased about the award: “This represents both recognition and obligation at the same time.” Zimmermann emphasized that the development of new technologies and innovative solutions must be accompanied by a cultural change, which can only be achieved if it is supported by all employees. “My special thanks go to our employees, who have made a major contribution to this success,” said Zimmermann.

The jury consisted of high-profile representatives from business, science and the media. Alexander Dobrindt, Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure, was the patron of the competition.

TAKKT is the leading B2B direct marketing specialist for business equipment in Europe and North America. The Group is represented with its brands in more than 25 countries. The product range of the subsidiaries comprises more than 500,000 products for the areas of plant and warehouse equipment, office furniture, transport packaging, display articles and equipment for the food service industry, hotel market and retailers. The TAKKT Group has over 2,000 employees and just under three million customers worldwide. The company is listed on the SDAX and Deutsche Börse Prime Standard.

Dr. Christian Warns Tel. +49 711 3465-8222
Giuseppe Palmieri Tel. +49 711 3465-8250
