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June 16, 2020 | SLM Solutions Group AG holds virtual Annual General Meeting 2020

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SLM Solutions Group AG holds virtual Annual General Meeting 2020

Luebeck, June 16, 2020 – (“Company” or “SLM Solutions”), a leading supplier of metal-based additive manufacturing technology, has today, Tuesday, held its Annual General Meeting 2020 as a virtual meeting. 75.76% of the voting capital was represented. The Annual General Meeting approved all the proposed resolutions submitted for voting by a majority.

The Management Board reported to the shareholders on the operational and strategic development of the SLM Solutions Group AG in the 2019 financial year and on the current situation of the company.

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board were discharged by the Annual General Meeting for the fiscal year 2019. KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hamburg, was appointed as auditor of the separate and consolidated 2020 annual financial statements.

In addition, the election of the sixth Supervisory Board member as provided for in the Company’s Articles of Association was also on the agenda, as SLM Solutions’ Supervisory Board had previously consisted of only five members following the resignation of Dr.-Ing. Michael Mertin. Dr. Nicole Englisch, attorney, partner at Clifford Chance Deutschland LLP, was newly elected to the Supervisory Board of SLM Solutions Group AG.

In connection with the financing agreement with Cornwall GmbH & Co. KG, the company’s largest shareholder, which was concluded on 26 March 2020 and under which the issue of new convertible bonds is planned, resolutions were also passed on the amendment and extension of the authorisation resolved by the Annual General Meeting on 22 June 2018 to issue convertible and/or warrant bonds with the option of excluding subscription rights, on the amendment of the existing Conditional Capital 2014/2018 and on the corresponding amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association.

The results of voting on the individual items of the agenda will be published on the website at:

About the company:
Lübeck-based SLM Solutions Group AG is a leading provider of metal-based additive manufacturing technology. The company’s shares are traded in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. SLM Solutions focuses on the development, assembly and sale of machines and integrated system solutions in the field of selective laser melting. SLM Solutions currently employs over 400 members of staff in Germany, France, Italy, the USA, Canada, Singapore, Russia, India and China. The products are utilised worldwide by customers in particular from the aerospace, energy, healthcare and automotive industries.

Julia Stargardt
SLM Solutions Group AG
Phone: +49 451 40 60 42 08