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| PNE AG: Results of the Annual General Meeting

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PNE AG: Results of the Annual General Meeting

  • Dividend payment of Euro 0.12 per share agreed
  • Three members of the supervisory board elected

Cuxhaven, June 1, 2017 – On May 31, 2017, among other matters, the annual general meeting of wind turbine specialists PNE WIND AG agreed to an increased dividend payment and appointed three new members to its supervisory board.

The shareholders voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposal of the board of management and supervisory board to distribute a dividend in total of Euro 0.04 and a special dividend in total of Euro 0.08 per eligible share.

The shareholders also voted on the scheduled appointment of three new members to the supervisory board. As proposed by the management Mr. Dr. Jens Kruse and Mr. Marcel Egger were elected to the supervisory board. Mr. Florian Schuhbauer was also appointed to the supervisory board in the place of the previous Chairman of the supervisory board, Mr. Alexis Fries. The previous members of the supervisory board, Mr. Christoph Gross and Mr. Wilken Freiherr von Hodenberg, did not stand for re-election. As new Chairman of the supervisory board Mr. Per Hornung Pedersen was elected.

The shareholders also clearly approved the proposed resolution to grant discharge to the members of the board of management Markus Lesser (CEO), Jörg Klowat (CFO) and Kurt Stürken (COO). By a clear majority, the shareholders also agreed to grant discharge to the supervisory board and to the appointment of the auditors Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hamburg.

The proposals of the board of management and the supervisory board regarding the creation of new authorised capital, on the authorisation to issue bonds, on the creation of new contingent capital and the authorisation to acquire treasury shares were also agreed. With regard to its financing requirement and strategic development opportunities, these measures will enable the company to respond rapidly and flexibly in terms of the liquid assets that are available in the group, both now and in the future.