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| KPS AG: Ad hoc Release pursuant to Article 15 Securities Trading Law (WpHG)

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KPS AG: Ad hoc Release pursuant to Article 15 Securities Trading Law (WpHG)

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

KPS AG, Germany’s leading management consultant for business transformation and process optimization, once again significantly increased Group sales and EBIT. Sales went up by 10.6% to 122.9 million and EBIT by 11.5% to 18.6 million.
According to the provisional figures (IFRS) for the previous business year 2014/2015, KPS AG once again succeeded in significantly increasing sales and EBIT.
Group sales at 122.9 million euros (previous year: 111.1 million) were 11.8 million above the equivalent year-earlier amount. Exceeding the 120 million threshold enabled the ambitious targets from the previous business year to be significantly exceeded.
A gratifying increase in EBIT of 1.9 million to 18.6 million euros (previous year: 16.7 million) was achieved compared with the previous year.
Performance of sales and earnings was also very positive during the first quarter of the new business year 2015/2016.
If the forecast economic data for the year 2016 does not undergo significant change, the Executive Board is assuming that the business year 2015/2016 will continue on a trajectory with a significant increase in sales and earnings.
Additional figures and details on performance of the company will be provided in the Annual Report 2014/2015 published on 29 January 2016.

Unterföhring, 20 January 2016

The Executive Board


This news release contains forward-looking statements which are based on certain assumptions and estimates made by the company management of KPS AG. Even if the company management is of the opinion that these assumptions and estimates are appropriate, the actual future development and the actual future results may deviate substantially from these assumptions and estimates on account of a variety of different factors. These factors may include, for example, changes in the macroeconomic situation, exchange rates, interest rates, and changes in market development and changes in the competitive situation. KPS AG does not guarantee that the actual results achieved in future will be in accordance with the assumptions and estimates made in this interim statement and does not assume any liability in this respect.


I. Hoyer, KPS AG Munich
T +49 89 35631-3310