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| KPS AG: Publication of insider information pursuant to Article 17 Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)

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KPS AG: Publication of insider information pursuant to Article 17 Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)

Monday, 16 January 2017

KPS AG, Germany’s leading management consultant for business transformation and process optimization, once again significantly increased its sales and EBIT according to the provisional figures (IFRS) for the previous business year 2015/2016 dated 30 September 2016.

Consolidated sales at 144.9 million euros (previous year 122.9 million euros) were 22.0 million euros above the equivalent year-earlier period in 2014/2015. This corresponds to an increase of 17.9 %. Exceeding the threshold of 140 million euros goes significantly beyond the objectives of the last business year. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) posted a gratifying increase of 19.8 % compared with the previous year with a rise of 3.7 million euros to 22.3 million euros (previous year: 18.6 million euros).

These figures correspond to the current status of the audit of the financial statements and they may still change by the time the fully audited consolidated financial statements for 2015/2016 are published. The consolidated financial statements and other details and figures relating to the development of the company will be reported in the Annual Report 2015/2016, which will be published on 31 January 2017.

Sales and earnings performance during the first quarter of the new business year 2016/2017 was also extremely positive. If the forecast economic data for the year 2017 do not undergo significant change, the Executive Board continues to anticipate a significant increase in sales and earnings for the business year 2016/2017.

The Executive Board

Unterföhring, 16 January 2017


I. Hoyer, KPS AG München
T +49 89 35631-3310