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For the first time Ariane Hofstetter (Kohorten, Sozial- & Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH & Co. KG) presented the results of her ESG study. For their joint research project Kohorten and cometis examined the sustainability reports of the DAX30 companies and 57 companies of the MDAX, and conducted expert interviews with numerous IR and ESG managers.
Kohorten (Sozial- & Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH & Co KG) and cometis examined the sustainability reports of the DAX30 companies and 57 companies of the MDAX. The researchers also conducted in-depth interviews with numerous IR and ESG managers. Ariane Hofstetter (Kohorten) presented the key findings at the IR Conference 2020.
- ESG topics have become much more important. Not only ESG experts from relevant rating agencies are asking questions. Investors, clients and media representatives also demand information. As a result, management and supervisory boards are increasingly paying attention to ESG topics.
- However, there is still a lack of measurable and reliable data. And if figures are available, they are often poorly defined and thus difficult to compare. The overly complex ESG reports are not sufficiently geared towards the information needs of investors.
- Investors need an ESG strategy that is embedded in corporate strategy. This should also be reflected in the annual report. Information on ESG therefore needs to be integrated into the annual report.
ESG is becoming increasingly important. Investors, the public, and management and supervisory boards demand meaningful ESG information. However, current ESG reports are more quantity than quality and in great need of improvement. Kohorten and cometis can show you how to professionally report on ESG matters.
This and all other slides from IR2020 can be downloaded here