News & Studies

cometis AG IR 2018

IR 2018

On January 30, 2018, our Investor Relations Conference – the IR 2018 – was held in Frankfurt am Main for the sixth time.

Over the last years, the conference has established itself as a central event for the German and increasingly international investor relations community. This year again, it offered an exciting programme for the almost 200 participants: Renowned keynote speakers, inspiring presentations by IR managers, analysts and investors as well as podium interviews, panel discussions and room for personal networking between the programme items. A special highlight this year was the kick-off presentation by Chris Boos, CEO arago GmbH and pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence. Further topics of IR 2018 were Mifid II and the concrete changes in the market, Annual General Meeting – Trends 2018, Guidance, Initial Coin Offerings, Capital Market Days, Asset Allocation and many more.

The conference is held annually on the last Tuesday in January.