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News series “German IPOs & IBOs in the spotlight“ – 03/2017, 17.05.2017

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German IPOs and IBOs 03/2017Wiesbaden, 17. May 2017 – In the first three months of 2017, the global market for IPOs has regained momentum. This is shown by the EY Global IPO Trends report. According to the report, the number of initial public offerings rose by 92% to 369 IPOs in respect to the same period of the previous year. At the same time, the global issue volume has more than doubled from 13.7 to 33.7 billion US dollars.

In the Chinese market, a downright IPO-Boom can be observed. In total, the Chinese stock exchanges including Hong Kong registered 182 transactions as opposed to 43 IPOs in the previous year. In the US, the number of IPOs tripled from eight to 24. However, in Europe the issue volume almost remained at the previous year’s level with 4.1 billion USD. The number of IPOs decreased from 40 to 33.

Similarly, to the same period of the previous year, two IPOs took place in Germany. Aumann in the Prime Standard segment and IBU-tec in the Scale segment. According to an article of WirtschaftsWoche (German business news magazine) the restaurant chain Vapiano is ready to step into the stock market. If one is to believe the market rumors, the stock market value could be as high as 600 million euros. A consortium of banks comprising Unicredit, Berenberg and Barclays is expected to pave the way for the IPO.

The German bond market is also picking up speed. The E.ON SE placed three euro bonds with a total volume of 2 billion euros. In addition, Homann Holzwerkstoffe GmbH, by the company’s own account one of the leading European suppliers of thin, refined wood fiber boards, is issuing a new corporate bond with a volume of up to 50 million euros and a minimum volume of 35 million euros.

The offer is initially addressed to the holders of the debt securities 2012/2017, who are able to exchange them for the offered new bonds. The public offering is scheduled to start on 6 June 2017.

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