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Game Changer MiFID II

Game Changer MiFID II

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Game Changer MiFID II

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Presentation by Michael Diegelmann, CEO of cometis AG, at the IR Conference 2018, 30 January. Key takeaways:

  • The most comprehensive change in EU financial market regulation of the
    past decade, MiFID II, has been in force since the beginning of 2018.
  • This will lead to massive shifts in the equity research business.
  • For a long time, analyst research was part of the package for which
    investors paid with the fees they transferred to banks and brokers for
    securities trading transactions.
  • Now analyst research must be paid separately.
  • This leads to new rules and structures in the market.
  • The overview on the following page is based on the presentation by
    Michael Diegelmann and highlights the changes in the industry.

Broker Models according to MiFID II

Game Changer MiFID II