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| KPS AG: Ad hoc Release pursuant to Article 15 Securities Trading Law (WpHG)

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KPS AG: Ad hoc Release pursuant to Article 15 Securities Trading Law (WpHG)

Monday, 29 February 2016

KPS AG passes a resolution on capital measure

The Supervisory Board and Executive Board of KPS AG passed a resolution today to submit a proposal to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 15 April 2016 requesting the meeting to pass a resolution agreeing to a dividend payment of 30 eurocents per share and a capital increase from company funds for the issue of so-called “free shares”. This measure is intended to increase the capital stock of the company by conversion of the capital reserves. As a result of this measure, each KPS shareholder will receive an additional one (1) new share for every ten (10) shares. The shareholders are therefore not required to make a payment for the shares (free shares).
If the Annual General Meeting of KPS AG agrees to this measure, the capital increase will be carried out by the issue of 3,401,100 new registered no-par value ordinary shares. This measure does not exert any influence on the level of the shareholders’ equity in the company, rather it represents a reallocation within the components of the shareholders’ equity. Overall the capital stock will then increase to 37,412,100 euros, divided into 37,412,100 no-par shares. The new no-par shares carry dividend rights to a share in profits from 1 October 2015.

In order to enable the planned smooth issue ratio of 10:1 for the intended capital increase from company funds, the Executive Board of KPS AG today also passed a resolution today on the basis of the authorization resolution approved by the Annual General Meeting held on 27 March 2015, to redeem seven (7) acquired own shares in accordance with Article 71 Section 1 No. 8 Stock Corporation Law (AktG) with a reduction of the capital stock of the company. The redemption reduces the capital stock of the company by 7.00 euros from 34,011,007.00 euros to 34,011.000.00 euros. The notional amount of each share in the capital stock remains unchanged at 1.00 euro.

Unterföhring, 29 February 2016

The Executive Board


This news release contains forward-looking statements which are based on certain assumptions and estimates made by the company management of KPS AG. Even if the company management is of the opinion that these assumptions and estimates are appropriate, the actual future development and the actual future results may deviate substantially from these assumptions and estimates on account of a variety of different factors. These factors may include, for example, changes in the macroeconomic situation, exchange rates, interest rates, and changes in market development and changes in the competitive situation. KPS AG does not guarantee that the actual results achieved in future will be in accordance with the assumptions and estimates made in this interim statement and does not assume any liability in this respect.


I. Hoyer, KPS AG Munich, Germany
T +49 89 35631-3310