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| KPS AG: KPS with significant sales growth in 2017/18

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KPS with significant sales growth in 2017/18

  • Group sales rose by 7.4% year-on-year to EUR 172.2 million
  • EBIT of EUR 16.6 million in line with the forecast
  • Acquisitions and internationalization advanced as part of growth strategy

Unterföhring/Munich, December 20, 2018 – KPS AG (WKN: A1A6V4 / ISIN: DE000A1A6V48), Europe’s leading management consultancy for business transformation and process optimization published its preliminary, unaudited IFRS financial figures today for fiscal year 2017/18. Sales in the past fiscal year continued to rise in line with the forecast. Despite the negative impact of the company acquisitions and their integration into the Group structure, the EBIT forecast was also achieved.

In fiscal year 2017/18, KPS AG increased its sales by 7.4% year-on-year from EUR 160.3 million to EUR 172.2 million and slightly exceed the forecasted range of EUR 160 – 170 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) for the 2017/18 financial year amounted to EUR 20.0 million following EUR 26.4 million in the same period of the previous year. Mainly in light of M&A-related amortization, earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) fell to EUR 16.6 million in this period (2016/17: EUR 24.8 million) and are within the forecasted range of EUR 16 – 20 million. This corresponds to an EBIT margin of 9.6% (2016/17: 15.5%).

The sales growth is largely attributable to increased sales from the reporting period’s new and completed transformation projects. Positive effects were also recorded from the acquisitions, which contributed to the growth strategy’s ongoing internationalization and innovation. KPS’s position as the leading consulting company for digital transformation projects in the retail sector was also reflected in numerous awards this year. Both KPS and its subsidiary Infront Consulting were once again honored as Best Consultants in several categories from the business magazine brand eins and statistics portal statista. KPS was also yet again among the TOP 100 most innovative companies in the German SME sector this year. KPS also continued its steady rise in the annually published rankings of Internet and e-commerce agencies.

“The results of the fiscal year indicate that we have achieved our goals and that our strategic efforts are already beginning to pay off. While the projects won through acquisitions are increasing their sales contributions, the integration process is of course still ongoing, which has a negative impact on earnings. However, our international expansion means that we have a broader base for the future as well as reduces our sales concentration with individual customers by acquiring several additional projects. Our developments in the area of consulting industrialization also give us the opportunity to provide attractive services with a declining cost base,” explains Leonardo Musso, CEO of KPS AG.

The preliminary figures now available confirm that KPS AG achieved its forecast for fiscal year 2017/18. The Supervisory Board and Management Board of KPS AG also see the results of fiscal year 2017/18 as confirmation of the company’s strategic orientation.

KPS will publish the final figures for fiscal year 2017/18 together with its complete Annual Report on January 29, 2019.

December 20, 2018

The Management Board

About KPS
KPS is Europe’s leading transformation consultancy for companies who want to radically focus on the customer and realign their business processes and technologies accordingly. KPS delivers everything from a single source: strategy consulting, industry-specific process chains as well as the implementation of the latest technologies. KPS is one of the few consulting partners who advise their clients end-to-end and integrate ERP, B2B and B2C commerce with Marketing & Sales processes. Especially in a digital world, the capability to execute projects faster is a clear and significant competitive advantage: The KPS Rapid-Transformation® methodology accelerates projects by up to 50 percent. With around 1000 consultants in 12 countries, KPS continues to expand its market position by delivering successful digital and technological transformation projects.

Reshape and transform rapidly. Your business in a digital world.

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