
2020: PRGN – Three times Gold for cometis! award for esg-monitor 2020

This year’s PRGN Best Practice Awards were once again a great success for cometis AG! Our team won the Gold Awards in three of over 20 categories. This meant that cometis was able to repeatedly prevail over the international competition, which had submitted a record 199 projects to the PRGN Contest. cometis convinced as an investor relations agency and expert for capital market communication in the categories “Financial Communications, Transactions, Investor Relations”, “Agency Collaboration” and “Agency Communication and Self Promotion” with exciting communication projects. These include a diverse range of topics such as the handling of the first virtual IPO in Germany, the ESG Monitor 2020 and the first ESG report for a national state. Due to the special circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony took place virtually. We congratulate all participants of this year’s PRGN Best Practice Awards and thank our great team for the exceptional performance!

2018: PRGN – cometis wins Best Practice Award in Gold for E-Mobility IPO-communication

As usual, in the context of this year’s annual Fall Meeting of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN), of which cometis has been a part for nine years, the PRGN International Best Practice Contest was held. Our cometis-Team was able to secure the coveted PRGN Best Practice Award Gold with the campaign “Listing the future of e-mobility / Communication in the course of the IPO of AKASOL AG” in the category “Financial Communications, Transactions, Investor Relations”. With this award, cometis was recognized for the successful communication surrounding the IPO of AKASOL AG. The manufacturer and pioneer of battery systems for e-mobility applications with locations in the German towns of Darmstadt and Langen successfully listed in the regulated market (Prime Standard) at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

The response to this year’s PRGN International Best Practice Contest was particularly strong: 29 agencies from within the Public Relations Global Network submitted case studies. A total of 106 submissions competed for 59 trophies and awards, of which 55 were awarded on 26 October in Bucharest’s Ghica Victoria Palais.


We would like to congratulate AKASOL, the participating banks and our entire team on their great work!

2017: PRGN – Cometis gewinnt Best Practice Award für kommunikation zum Börsengang von corestate

cometis wins a Silver Award for the communication in the course of the listing of Corestate at the PRGN’s International Best Practice Contest 2017

At this year’s annual Fall Meeting of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN), the award ceremony for the PRGN International Best Practice Contest took place again. Our cometis team was awarded the PRGN Best Practice Award Silver for the campaign “Financial Communication in the Course of a Listing – cometis AG & CORESTATE Capital Holding S.A.” in the category “Financial Communications, Transactions, Investor Relations”.

With this award, cometis was recognized for the successful communication in relation to the listing of the CORESTATE Capital Holding S.A., an investment manager based in Luxembourg, on the Frankfurt stock exchange. cometis AG was commissioned to develop and execute the entire capital market communication campaign regarding the listing at Frankfurt stock exchange.

The awards ceremony took place on 27th October 2017 in Kyoto, Japan.

We congratulate CORESTATE, the participating banks and our entire team on their great work!

2015: PRGN – IPO-COMMUNICATION for FERRATUM OYJ brings Best Practice Award in gold for cometis

In 2015, cometis AG was recognized with the Best Practice Award of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) once more. In the “Financial Communications & Investor Relations” category, cometis was awarded the Gold Award for the successful IPO communication in the initial public offering of Ferratum Oyj. By doing so, the jury appreciated the strategic development and the implementation of the communication measures, as well as the high level of consulting quality within this project.

2013: PRGN – communication strategy for bond issuance decorates cometis with Best Practice Award

In 2013, cometis AG was once again awarded the Best Practice Award of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN). The network is, globally, one of the four leading networks for public relations. In the “Financial Communications & Investor Relations” category, cometis was able to assert itself against other outstanding communication projects and by doing so secured the Silver Best Practice Award. The successful development and implementation of cometis’ communication strategy for the bond issuance of ETERNA Mode Holding GmbH was recognized.

2012: PRGN – Best Practice Award won by cometis for successful defense of a hostile takeover

cometis AG is a member of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN), which is globally one of the four leading networks for public relations. Clients on six continents rely on the know-how of around 50 independent public relations agencies and more than 900 communication experts. The annual Best Practice Awards honor outstanding communication projects of members of the network. In 2012, cometis won the Best Practice Award in the category “Financial Communications & Investor Relations” for the first time. The successful communication consulting in the “Derby Cycle” project, which was aimed at the defense of a hostile takeover, was thus recognized.

2011: German PR-award – Cometis as FInalist with campaign "IPO with built-in tailwind"

In 2011, cometis AG once more reached the finals of Deutscher PR-Preis (German PR award) in the category “Investor Relations / Financial Communication.” With the campaign “IPO with built-in tailwind” for Derby Cycle AG, cometis was able to collect many plus points with the jury and once again left other well-known campaigns behind.

2009: BIRD – Our client receives Best Investor Relations Germany-AWARD

In 2010, our client – Manz Automation AG – was awarded the BIRD – Beste Investor Relations Deutschland (Best Investor Relations Germany). The company emerged as the winner in the category TecDAX from the reader survey “BIRD 2009” conducted by the stock exchange magazine BÖRSE ONLINE. At the same time, Manz AG achieved sixth place out of the 160 largest listed companies in the overall ranking of the stock exchange indices DAX, MDAX, TecDAX and SDAX with 67.0 points.

2005: German PR-Award – Cometis wins with strategic and operative communication consulting

In 2005, cometis AG won the Deutscher PR-Preis 2005 (German PR Award) in the category “Financial Communication / Investor Relations.” This award represents the industry’s highest distinction in the German-speaking area and is jointly published by Deutsche Public Relations Gesellschaft e. V. and the F.A.Z.-Institut. The international jury, with leading communication experts from the business world, science and agencies, thus honored the strategic and operational communication consulting of cometis within the course of the IPO of MIFA Mitteldeutsche Fahrradwerke AG in May 2004. In the final round, cometis was able to prevail against Bayer AG (IPO Lanxess) as well as against a Hamburg-based PR agency, which was nominated for a project for Fidelity Investments.