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Capital Market Panel H2/2017: Development of the German market for IPOs, 12.01.2018

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Wiesbaden, 12 January 2018 – cometis AG, one of Germany’s leading financial communication consultancies, has today published the results of its current Capital Market Panel. The survey for the second half of 2017 focuses on developments in the German M&A market. Managers at leading investment banks in Germany were surveyed for this purpose.

Overview of the most important findings: Key findings of the German M&A market

  • M&A activity: Nearly 88% of the respondents expect the number of completed M&A transactions to increase slightly in Germany in 2018. One in eight respondents even expects a sharp increase in M&A transactions.
  • Cross-border acquisitions: This year all respondents (100%) believe the biggest buyers of German companies to be located in China. This year’s runners-up are the USA (85.7%), followed by the United Kingdom (57.1%).
  • M&A drivers: From the point of view of those surveyed, macroeconomic factors such as the favourable interest rate environment for refinancing, the high liquidity levels of companies and the comparatively high growth expectations of buying and selling shareholders are decisive for the German M&A market.

Capital market environment in Germany and globally

  • IPO year 2018: After a total of 12 IPOs in the Scale and Prime Standard segments of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, just under 63% of the respondents expect 6 to 10 IPOs in the first half of 2018.
  • Sector outlook: The technology sector continues to take first place. The healthcare sector, industrial goods and services are also among the leaders. Banks and insurance companies, on the other hand, continue to be included in the final group.
  • What moves the markets: According to the individuals surveyed, fundamental corporate data have the greatest impact on the markets (75%), followed by the development of the global economic environment and market-psychological factors (62.5%).

The complete evaluation of the capital market panel H2/2017 can be downloaded here

You will find the info graphic of the study here.

About the Capital Market Panel

Together with media partner VDI Nachrichten, cometis has been publishing the Capital Market Panel semi-annually since 2006 to analyse future capital market trends and uncover potential information deficits. Panel participants include equity capital markets issuance managers at renowned German and foreign banks. As part of this, cometis is responsible for evaluating the topics and the concept, as well as for conducting the survey.