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Thorben Burbach
Wiesbaden, 25 October 2019 – cometis AG, one of the leading consulting firms for financial communication in Germany, published the results of its current Capital Market Panel today. The survey for the second half of 2019 addressed, among other things, the question of whether decision-makers in the private equity sector were dominated by hunger for returns or economic fears. The current panel also provides an insight into how capital market experts assess the further development of the private equity market in Germany.
The key findings at a glance:
- The capital market professionals surveyed are divided whether the market in the coming year will be shaped by fears of recession and the associated reluctance to buy, or by a lack of investment alternatives and thus greater willingness to buy. Exactly half of them expect a higher or lower willingness to buy.
- Nevertheless, around two thirds of the participants expect an increase in the volume of private equity investment in the coming year.
- The interviewees see venture capital financing as the most attractive financing opportunity in German companies. This is where the greatest growth is expected in the coming year, closely followed by buyout transactions and turnarounds.
- The industry with the greatest investment potential is expected to be the technology sector in the upcoming year. The weakest industries in the current panel, in contrast, are insurance, banks and utilities.
- The participants expect sales to financial investors to be the preferred exit channel in 2020. In the opinion of the panel participants, an IPO with a replacement as the ideal exit route is now a thing of the past.
About the Capital Market Panel
Together with media partner VDI Nachrichten, cometis has been publishing the Capital Market Panel semi-annually since 2006 to analyse future capital market trends and uncover potential information deficits. Panel participants include in particular managers in the equity capital markets from renowned German and foreign banks. cometis is responsible for evaluating the topics and the concept, as well as for conducting the survey.