News & Studies

Capital Market Panel H1/2018: Development of the German IPO Market

Ihr Ansprechpartner


Wiesbaden, 22. June 2018 – cometis AG, one of the leading consulting firms for financial communication in Germany, published the results of its current capital market panel today. The survey focuses on the development of the German IPO market in the second half of 2018 and polled decision-makers of leading investment banks operating in Germany.

Important insights at a glance:
Key Findings IPO-Market Germany

  • • IPO activity: Half of those interviewed (50%) assume that between six and ten companies will enter the German capital market in the second half of 2018. 43% of those surveyed assess the German IPO economy more cautiously and expect only one to five additional IPOs in the course of the year. This means that the picture for the first half of 2018 has deteriorated slightly compared with our last survey on the IPO market. At the turn of the year just under 63% of the respondents assumed six to ten IPOs.
  • Drivers of the IPO market: For the majority of those surveyed (93%), the buying behaviour of institutional investors is decisive for the development of the German IPO market. The second most frequently cited (79%) is the fundamental situation of IPO candidates. Third place among the influencing factors is taken by the development of the corresponding leading indices such as the DAX and EURO STOXX 50 (58%).
  • IPO requirements: The fact that IPO candidates have experienced management with track record has become even more important. For 86% of respondents, this point comes first (H1/2017: 64%). The second most frequent (77%) was the focus on growth. This is followed by the prospect of high share liquidity after the IPO (64%, H1/2017: 27%) and unique technological features (57%).

About the Capital Market Panel

Together with media partner VDI Nachrichten, cometis has been publishing the Capital Market Panel semi-annually since 2006 to analyse future capital market trends and uncover potential information deficits. Panel participants include equity capital markets issuance managers at renowned German and foreign banks. cometis is responsible for evaluating the topics and the concept, as well as for conducting the survey.