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| KPS AG: Withdrawal of forecast for the current fiscal year

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KPS AG: Withdrawal of forecast for the current fiscal year

The KPS AG Management Board is currently unable to make a reliable estimate regarding how the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will affect the economic situation of the KPS group’s existing and potential customers or their demand behaviour. Consequently, the resulting effect on KPS AG’s sales and earnings performance for the 2019/2020 financial year cannot be quantified with sufficient reliability at present. Against this background, the Management Board has decided to withdraw its forecast for the 2019/2020 financial year published on 24 January 2020. From today’s perspective, the forecasted revenue of €181-191 million and EBITDA of €28-36 million are conditional upon too many uncertainties to maintain the respective forecasts. Due to the dynamics of the developments in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Board is refraining from issuing a new forecast for the 2019/2020 financial year until further notice. The health and safety of the KPS Group’s employees, customers and business partners are of top priority.

Leonardo Musso

Sole member of Management Board

Unterföhring, 27 April 2020

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85774 Unterföhring
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