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| PNE AG: Candidates proposed for election to the Supervisory Board

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PNE AG: Candidates proposed for election to the Supervisory Board

Cuxhaven, April 13, 2017 – There will be changes in the Supervisory Board of PNE WIND AG. The election periods of three Supervisory Board members will end at the close of the general meeting of shareholders on May 31, 2017. The Supervisory Board proposes Mr. Marcel Egger and Mr. Dr. Jens Kruse as candidates. From the viewpoint of the Supervisory Board, these financial and capital market experts are qualified candidates. To continue the consistency of the Supervisory Board’s successful work and to ensure the balance of functions within the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board also proposes that its previous chairman, Alexis Fries, be re-elected.

SPSW Capital GmbH, according to the Company’s current knowledge a major shareholder, suggested to propose Mr. Dr. Jens Kruse and Mr. Marcel Egger for election. Against this backdrop, the previous Supervisory Board members Mr. Christoph Gross and Mr. Wilken Freiherr von Hodenberg will not to stand for re-election.

After his employment with BfG Bank, Mr. Marcel Egger has been active in an executive position at the EUROGATE Group, Bremen, since 1999. He joined that company as Director of Finance and Business Development and is now a member of EUROGATE Group’s management board with responsibility for the Finance and Controlling divisions. According to the opinion of PNE WIND’s Supervisory Board, the financial expert Mr. Marcel Egger brings broad and well-founded professional expertise for standing as a candidate owing to his professional activity and external offices in various corporate bodies.

The Supervisory Board of PNE WIND AG regards Mr. Dr. Jens Kruse as a highly experienced capital market expert. He had worked for international accounting companies, before he took over the management of the “Corporate Finance” division of Bankhaus M.M. Warburg 20 years ago, of which he is still in charge. In addition, Dr. Kruse as a capital market expert has also gained broad and extensive expertise in external corporate bodies, which he now intends to contribute to PNE WIND AG.

Mr. Alexis Fries was elected to the Supervisory Board of PNE WIND AG for the first time in 2015 and has been chairman since then. Owing to his professional career and comprehensive experience, Mr. Fries will contribute, in particular, his technical competency to the corporate body. The Supervisory Board will propose him again for election. This is intended to ensure consistent continuation of the previous work of PNE WIND AG’s Supervisory Board. Mr. Fries will be proposed again for the office as the chairman of the Supervisory Board.