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| KPS Annual General Meeting 2017 recognizes dynamic business performance

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KPS Annual General Meeting 2017 recognizes dynamic business performance


Unterföhring, 10 April 2017 – The Annual General Meeting of KPS AG, held in Munich on 7 April 2017, approved all resolutions proposed by the management by a large majority. The Annual General Meeting resolved a dividend payment of EUR 0.33 per share.

With an attendance of 81.8% of the share capital, the AGM of KPS AG took place in Munich on 7 April 2017 in Munich. The shareholders approved the actions of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board and followed all of the management’s proposals with significant majorities. The Annual General Meeting resolved unanimously to increase the dividend to EUR 0.33 per share as compared to EUR 0.30 per share in the previous year, as proposed by the management. Due to the dynamic business development during the past financial year, KPS’ shareholders could profit again by receiving an attractive dividend.

In his report, Executive Board member Leonardo Musso reviewed the business performance in the past year and provided an outlook for KPS’s future development. „In fiscal year 2015/2016, we again exceeded our targets. With an average annual growth rate of 19 percent since 2011, we have impressively succeeded in conquering additional market shares in recent years. The German home market is already dominated by KPS, now we have to prove our competences abroad”, emphasised Leonardo Musso.

The Executive Board of KPS AG looks confidently into the current financial year 2016/2017 and confirmed its forecast of a dynamic business development with an increase in sales to an anticipated EUR 160 million and an improved operating result (EBIT) of EUR 25 million. This corresponds to an increase in sales of around 10 percent and the operating result by around 12 percent compared to the previous financial year.

The results of the votes held at the Annual General Meeting can be viewed at

Unterföhring, 10 April 2017


The Executive Board

Beta-Strasse 10H
85774 Unterföhring
Telefon: +49 (0) 89 356 31-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 356 31-3300

About KPS

KPS is Europe’s leading management consulting firm for business transformation and process implementation in the retail sector. The company offers end-to-end strategy and process consulting, with extensive implementation expertise in digital customer management, e-commerce and ERP. KPS customers profit from the vast project experience and deep sector knowledge of its consultants, enabling them to drive omnichannel and digital transformation projects to rapid success. With its proprietary Rapid Transformation® methodology, KPS has cut project turnaround times by up to 50 percent.

Founded in 2000, KPS employs about 800 consultants at its corporate headquarters in Munich with five additional locations throughout Germany and branch offices in Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the US. KPS plans to expand its market position in the retail and consumer goods sectors in the coming years through pioneering projects in all aspects of digital transformation.


CROSS ALLIANCE communication GmbH
Susan Hoffmeister
Freihamerstrasse 2
82166 Gräfelfing/Munich
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 898 272-27