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| PNE WIND AG publishes securities prospectus for a corporate bond

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PNE WIND AG publishes securities prospectus for a corporate bond

Cuxhaven, April 5, 2018 – Today the Managing Board of PNE WIND AG resolved – with the approval of the Supervisory Board – upon the issuance of a corporate bond in the second quarter of 2018 in an estimated amount of EUR 50 million (ISIN DE000A2LQ3M9). Furthermore, today the Luxemburg Financial Services Supervision (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – „CSSF“) approved the securities prospectus, which is necessary for the issuance of this bond. This issuance is accompanied by IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG and M.M. Warburg & CO (AG & Co.) KGaA.  It is planned to trade the bond on the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

The corporate bond, which is divided into bearer bonds with a nominal value of EUR 1,000.00 each, covers a period from 2. May 2018 to 2. May 2023. The interest rate will be in the interest margin between 4.00% and 4.75% and it is expected that the definitive rate will be fixed on 25. April 2018. The bearer bonds will be publicly offered in Germany and Luxemburg and can be subscribed for an offer period from 24. April 2018 to 25. April 2018 via the subscribe function of Deutsche Börse AG. Institutional Investors may subscribe directly via IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG and M.M.Warburg & CO (AG & Co.) KGaA. Additionally there will be an exchange offer and an extra purchase offer to the bondholders of the PNE corporate bond 2013/2018 (ISIN DE000A1R0741), which expires 1. June 2018. The exchange offer will run from 6. April 2018 to 20. April 2018. Further details can be seen from the securities prospectus.

The aim of the measure is the partial financing of a new European wind park portfolio, the financing of investments to broaden the value chain as well as for the further general organic and inorganic growth of PNE WIND AG. Furthermore, the corporate bond shall be used to refinance partially the repayment of the corporate bond 2013/2018, which expires 1. June 2018.