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| KPS AG: Annual General Meeting passes a resolution to pay out a dividend of EUR 0.35 per share

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KPS AG: Annual General Meeting passes a resolution to pay out a dividend of EUR 0.35 per share

  • Activities of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board approved with a large majority
  • Business year 2017/2018 successfully concluded after integration of acquisitions
  • Focus on moving forward the strategic focuses and the profitable growth trajectory of recent years

Unterföhring/Munich, 29 March 2019 – KPS AG (WKN: A1A6V4 / ISIN: DE000A1A6V48), Europe’s leading management consultant for business transformation and process optimization, held its Annual General Meeting for 2019 in Munich on 29 March 2019. 65.14 % of the capital stock were present at the Annual General Meeting. During the course of the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Board reported on the operational development of the past business year 2017/2018 and the first quarter of 2018/2019. At the same time, the Executive Board provided an outlook for the ongoing strategy and the current business year 2018/2019.

All agenda items were approved by a large majority. The activities of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board were approved for the past business year 2017/2018 and a resolution was approved for the pay-out of a dividend amounting to EUR 0.35 for each no-par share entitled to a dividend. All three sitting members of the Supervisory Board, Mr. Michael Tsifidaris, Mr. Uwe Grünewald und Mr. Hans-Werner Hartmann, were re-elected for a further five years. Furthermore, professional services firm Baker Tilly GmbH & Co. KG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Munich, was appointed as the auditor for the company and the Group for the business year 2018/2019.

Leonardo Musso, Chief Executive Officer of KPS AG, commented: “In the business year 2017/2018, we were not only able to make strategic acquisitions of other companies, the purchases were also integrated successfully into the KPS Group. The figures from the first quarter show that after the successful acquisitions, we are still managing to achieve the previous level of profitability. At the same time, we have also acquired new international markets and expanded our service portfolio in the area of strategic consulting. Our growth strategy from internationalization, industrialization and innovation allows us to make use of scale effects and offer our customers comprehensive expertise. The current business performance leads us to believe that we are on the right track to transfer our differentiators from the competition into profitable growth. We are delighted that our shareholders continue to place their trust in us, accompanying KPS AG on this journey.”

The voting results for the ordinary Annual General Meeting can be viewed on

29 March 2019


The Executive Board

About KPS

KPS is Europe’s leading transformation consultancy for companies who want to radically focus on the customer and realign their business processes and technologies accordingly. KPS delivers everything from a single source: strategy consulting, industry-specific process chains as well as the implementation of the latest technologies. KPS is one of the few consulting partners who advise their clients end-to-end and integrate ERP, B2B and B2C commerce with Marketing & Sales processes. Especially in a digital world, the capability to execute projects faster is a clear and significant competitive advantage: The KPS Rapid-Transformation® methodology accelerates projects by up to 50 %. With around 1,000 consultants in 12 countries, KPS continues to expand its market position by delivering successful digital and technological transformation projects.

Reshape and transform rapidly. Your business in a digital world.

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