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| DEAG to hold 2019 Annual General Meeting in Berlin

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DEAG to hold 2019 Annual General Meeting in Berlin

  • Executive Board to report on one of the most successful financial years
  • All agenda items adopted by a large majority

Berlin, 27 June 2019 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (DEAG), Berlin, listed in the Prime Standard, ISIN: DE000A0Z23G6, WKN: A0Z23G, ERMK, successfully held its 2019 Annual General Meeting today. Looking back on 40 years of company history and 20 years of stock market listing, the Executive Board informed the shareholders in detail about one of the most successful financial years in the company’s history.

The Annual General Meeting approved the management’s proposals on all agenda items by a very large majority. In particular, the Annual General Meeting discharged the Executive Board and Supervisory Board for financial year 2018 and approved the creation of new authorised and conditional capital. Mazars GmbH & Co. KG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Hamburg, was appointed auditor of the 2019 financial statements and consolidated financial statements.

“2018 was a very successful year for DEAG. We will continue on the path we have taken and continue to develop our business model in order to grow profitably. The outlook for 2019 is also very good. We are pleased that the capital market appears to share this view and would like to express our sincere thanks to our shareholders for this confidence,” said Prof. Peter Schwenkow, CEO of DEAG.


About DEAG

DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft (DEAG) is a leading entertainment service company and a provider of Live Entertainment in Europe with subsidiaries in its core markets. DEAG produces and profitably organises a broad range of live entertainment events and concerts. As a Live Entertainment service company with an integrated business model DEAG has extensive expertise in the organisation, marketing and holding of events, as well as in ticket sales via its own ticketing platform ‘MyTicket’ for its own and third-party content. The highly scalable business model of MyTicket strengthens DEAG on its way to increasing profitability. DEAG promotes around 4,000 concerts and events a year and currently sells more than 5 million tickets, of which a steadily increasing share is sold via its high-turnover ticketing platform MyTicket.

Founded in Berlin in 1978 and listed since 1998, DEAG’s core businesses include Rock/Pop, Classics & Jazz, Family Entertainment and Arts+Exhibitions. The Family Entertainment and Arts+Exhibitions divisions in particular are of great importance to the further development of DEAG’s own content. With its strong partner network, DEAG is excellently positioned in the market as an internationally active Live Entertainment service company.

DEAG shares (ISIN: DE000A0Z23G6 | WKN: A0Z23G | ERMK) are listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the quality segment of Deutsche Börse.


IR contact

cometis AG
Claudius Krause
Phone: +49-611-20585528